Spring sort-out.

Our conservatory hasn’t got central heating, so it becomes pretty pointless during the winter months, and bunch of stuff just ends up shoved in there, so it’s out of the way- including all my arts and crafts stuff. However today the sun was out and it turns into a warm heaven , so I decided it’s time to sort it out and de-clutter the place, as hopefully plenty more spring days are on their way here and I shall be able to make use of this lovely space. Oh and Easter is here  this weekend so it’s always handy for catch up tea and coffee breaks with family and those scrumptious sit-down-properly Easter roasts. Either way I’m now happy to walk in there again!



Oh and I tidied up my bookshelf a little and though you lot might like a sneak peak at my rather random subject collection. There’s a bit of everything- fashion, arts, languages, travel books and a ton of car repair manuals and cookbooks! 😀


Handmade birthday present

Since the budget is rather tight at the moment I decided to make my mums birthday present rather than wonder around the shops for hours and end up spending a fortune on silly things. For years she has been a fan of Forever Friends bears, so I thought I would try out my inkjet printing on fabric again and make a decorative pillow .

♥ Who let the dogs out?! ♥

Ok, so earlier today I shared a video I found about icing your cupcakes to make them look like dogs. So I was rather keen to have a go at trying it and I’m pleased to announce I have a bunch of dogs sitting in the fridge now, eager to be let loose for mums birthday tomorrow! I made her favourite coffee and walnut cupcakes 🙂 Now as I’m a bit of a scrimper these days I used less ingredients for decorating and got away with some coffee buttercream and white and milk chocolate buttons. First few were a bit on the tricky side, but it gets better!

Say it with a biscuit ♥

I was feeling a little lost for ideas and fun stuff today as the cold snap is back :/ So after browsing the net/blogs for a while I came across some simple iced biscuits on BBC and thought I would give them a try but put my own twist on it. I started off with my IKEA animal cutters, although they’re a bit fiddly and actually quite large, so I moved on to simple round biscuits and a single giant heart for my other half. The recipe I used is this-

  • 100g softened butter
  • 100g caster sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 1tsp vanilla extract
  • 275g plain flour

Preheat the oven to C*190. Beat the sugar and the butter until smooth, add the egg and then the vanilla. Mix in the flour. Roll out the dough on floured surface, about 1cm thick (the dough is really sticky at this point so make sure you have flour handy. Cut the cookies and place on a baking tray and bake 8-10 min till golden. Be careful as these can reach burnt state quite quickly, so keep an eye on them. Once done cool on the wire rack till there’s no heat left as it will melt the icing. For the icing i gradually mixed in tiny amounts of water into icing sugar till I reached desired consistency. Add few drops of food colouring. For the piping i used a cone made out of greaseproof paper disc as its easy and can be thrown away once you’re done. Now have fun! Here’s some pics of my creations…

Country Walks…

Rain free days have been a bit of a rarity recently with the super warm spring days one minute and the horridly freezing sleet the next. So whenever it appears to be fairly dry I religiously take my pup for a long walk around the fields. We’ve been sticking to 3 mile exploring missions, doesn’t seem much but, far enough to get super muddy and enjoy ourselves! Today was one of those more dryer days so we headed out and decided to take some pics 🙂

Printing on Fabric (Addictive)

So I’ve been recently exploring new techniques in the craft world and have come across printing on fabric with an inkjet printer. I must admit though it’s quite addictive! 😀 So my first project is finished- a pair of dachshunds on a pillow. For some reason the character of these puppies really cheered me up so though I’ll turn them into something cute. Bit of faux suede and some stitching and Voila! I have printed out some other dogs and puppies, however I’m currently working on another decorative pillow- this time it’s some kittens though!

♥♥♥Mothers Day♥♥♥

Mothers Day has always been one of my favorite days of the year, especially now that I have been living away from home for about 2 years. It’s one day a year, when I can do random things with my dear mother! So this year I baked her favorite cupcakes- Raspberry & Vanilla, decorated with cream cheese and wafer daisies. (She’s a big daisy fan, lol at least I know where i get it from!). Got there early and had some continental breakfast with my parents and then decided to take my mum bowling, since she hasn’t done it for years and last time I checked she liked it. Needless to say she kicked my bum at it, 2 games and she won both by quite a few points. 🙂 We continued with a lovely afternoon of catching up whilst enjoying coffee and danish! I love my mum! She’s the best! ♥